Café Scientifique on Mon., August 5, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Carla Littleton,M.Ed. (They/Them/Hen/Hän)
Master Herpetologist and Animals and Habitats Manager, Carnegie Science Center

Café Sci – Of Mayhem and Medicine: A Brief History of Nature’s Poisons and Venoms

Nature has always been an arms race. In this virtual talk, we will explore the way venoms, poisons, and toxins have shaped nature from the beginnings of life on Earth to the current race to find medical marvels in vanishing ecosystems. Dig into the questions of why nature is full of so many toxic species and why some people estimate that 20-40% of all life on Earth may be poisonous or venomous. Join Carla in a Q&A as they define these often-confused terms while coming face-to-face with living specimens of some of the most poisonous plants and animals on Earth.

About Carla Littleton

Carla Littleton is a Master Herpetologist and the Manager of Carnegie Science Center’s Animals and Habitats Department, as well as an adjunct cyberschool instructor in several science subjects, including Forensics. Their passion for wildlife and ecology started early , growing up in the Cleveland Metroparks Park system; despite exploring other career options they always seemed to come back to informal science education and biodiversity conservation.

A lifelong learner, Carla has earned an Associate Degree in Art and Design; a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from the University of Pittsburgh; a Master’s of Education from Duquesne University; and is currently pursuing a Master's Certificate in Hydroponics through ACS Distance Education. Carla also holds certificates in Paleontology (University of Alberta); in Conservation Training (International Union for the Conservation of Nature); and has completed coursework in Invertebrate Disease Management on the evaluation and conservation of endangered species and ecosystems through several organizations.

Despite wide-ranging experience with a plethora of flora and fauna specimens, some of Carla’s favorite living things (Toads, Cycads, and Euphorbias) all share one thing in common: they’re toxic. It was an early fascination with toads, snakes, nudibranchs, and plants in the nightshade family that led Carla to an interest in the poisons and venoms of the natural world.

Register for Café Sci

The event is FREE to attend onsite and virtually, but preregistration is required! Carnegie Science Center would like to continue to offer programs like Café Sci, Women in STEM, and others. Please consider making a donation when you register. Once you sign up, you’ll get an email confirmation. Have a question for Carla? You’ll be able to type your questions in the Q&A section during the presentation!

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