CSC Special Event Volunteer Application Form

NOTE: Special Events Volunteer Team members will be notified when a Carnegie Science Center event requires volunteer support. You can choose to assist with the opportunities that fit best into your schedule. Day and evening events are available.
You must be 21 years or older to volunteer for our special events.
Volunteers are required to fill out the entire application, with the exception of the demographics question.

  Please fill in your information











Date of Birth:



What's this?



Optional. No volunteer selections are made based on this information.


Question - Required - Preferred Pronouns (check one)

Question - Required - Availability

Question - Required - How did you hear about the Volunteer Program at Carnegie Science Center?

Question - Required - Education (check one)


(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)






Our Policy


It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Question - Not Required - I understand that as a volunteer I am not entitled to monetary compensation for the work performed or entitled to worker's compensation or group benefits in the event of injury. I understand that the Carnegie Science Center Volunteer Program will evaluate my volunteer performance. If at any time it is determined that responsibilities are not being satisfactorily fulfilled, Carnegie Science Center has the right to terminate the relationship.


Thank you for completing this application and for your interest in volunteering with us.

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